YaGurlSukedMe2SLeep (comments)
Displaying 241 - 260 of 942 comments
LOL DUDE. that serenade guy is fucken not hot. its fucken angle pics and shit. you know what i mean? everyone has a certain angle they look good in. thats why he has the same angle everytime in his pic.
lol dont u know
nigga went to the dark side tryin to taste some trish
and u know that bitch dont shower not at allz so he tryin to get a taste of 100 cocks
but furreal i think this nigga was like " I dont like u tung anymore bcuz u act gay all the time " so he was like oh imma stop errone fro mbeiung gay even if i wear girl clothes
lol. two inces isnt to bad. but 3 and up is FUCK NO
i'm probably gonna end up getting on at like 12 D: poor kevin
Dayummmmmm You boys grow TALLLLL.
Oh, I think I'll go buy some broccoli, or some two inch heels =)
wth. You're a whole foot taller than me .. ='[ thats not fair.. I WANT TO GROW TWO MORE INCHESSSSS.
I SAID YOU USED TO PLAAAAY. ex-wower? =[ =[ nevermind
i would say mel. but im tired of this you me and eddie gay thing shit. let's just cut it lol. it's annoying now. we all arent gay so let's act like it lol.
you did before..you even admitted that you were ADDICTED
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