Comment history with IBangBaby
Displaying 301 - 320 of 384 comments
rofl ok my ass thats cool, but JK, its not me, im not that short rofl
I'm guessing thats yes? (; I want your ass, but not YOU. :]
HAHAHA. Brush your teeth foo.
Is that you?
http://a422.ac-images. myspacecdn.com/images01/35/l_0 1e7aa1a402a0857555e5e220b85167 d.jpg
btw i never noticed how white your teeth is.....
http://cbimg6.com/p hotos/07/06/26/2056l.jpg
yo u shoulda photoshop my pics to bring out my legs :)
lol i thought i told you about my aura, it created the song, "Sexual healing"
they tried, but they failed, my aura killed them all
LOL. You can't see the link because you have to take out the spaces.
ahh i cant see the link, but ill take your word for it, he better be like my ass, WOW :)
LMFAO. Errr. Black hair. Tanned skin. His hair is kinda like this, but longer
http://img248.images hack.us/img248/2281/2007073023 2713js4.png
And fit. No flabby guys :] And asian. Haha.