Comment history with SarahxJoy
Displaying 1 - 20 of 36 comments
Oh well I don't know. I don't know that much about the difference between type one and two, they don't really tell me all that much. I thought type two could be just as hereditary though as type one..hm.
thats funny cause what i learned was that type 1 was heredity and type 2 is usually through the foods you eat
Um, well type two is more known to be hereditary, but I'm not sure about type one actually.. 'Cause I mean, I'm the ONLY one in my family who has it. Like, ever. :/ But yeah, why the sudden interest?
heyyyyyyy, this is probably a mean question to ask....and im sorry lol, but do you have type 1 or type 2....diabetes?
you forgot my aim!?!? you were like my forum games wife too :(:(:(:( ric3xboy
Uhh, I deleted a bunch of people off of my list. What's your screen name again? :x
Why you lying, its ok, I wont be mad if you admit I make you happy.
lol fine, but at least its not a bad odd or else you wouldn't have smiled
lol what? i haven't listened to that song in a long time